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Rams: The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over

3 June 2024

These screengrabs are from Gary Hustwit’s documentary Rams and its trailer video. If the video is paywalled, there are a couple of clips online. I didn’t screenshot all the Good design is honest/environmentally friendly” stuff. Less is better is the Rams way. I was struck by the neo-utilitarian/design puritan thinking - my own hope is for better, circular abundance.

I find things like this unnecessary. We don’t need them.I find things like this unnecessary. We don't need them. Because there is no future with so many redundant things.Because there is no future with so many redundant things. We should forgo them because we need the resources for better things.We should forgo them because we need the resources for better things. We have to get away from the “un-culture” of abundance.We have to get away from the "un-culture" of abundance. The world 10 years from now will be a completely different place.The world 10 years from now will be a completely different place. The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over.The time of thoughtless design for thoughtless consumption is over.

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